Forest Badminton Club encourages people in the Horsham area to enjoy playing badminton, and aims to provide opportunities for competition. We run club tournaments, play in local leagues and encourage entry into Bonanza and County Tournaments. While we cannot take beginners, we have a number of members who just play for fun as well as league players and those who represent Sussex at various levels.

Forest Badminton Club and its Junior section have been accredited as a Premier Club and hold Sport England’s ClubMark. This is awarded to clubs by Badminton England when the club is able to demonstrate that it meets Badminton England’s criteria as to the playing programme, child protection, sports equity and ethics and club management. We have a Code of Practice which all members should respect.

Clubmark is an acknowledgement that we take these issues seriously and that we are striving to provide a high quality and welcoming environment for all participants in the sport.

Session Location

We meet in the six court sports hall at Tanbridge House School, Farthings Lane Horsham RH12 1SR. Directions: At exam times we may meet in the Tanbridge gym which is in the same block as the sports hall. Other venues when necessary are the Recreation Centre at Forest School, The Bridge, and Bohunt School.   No smoking is allowed anywhere on school premises.

Details of match diaries,  social events and any changes in venues will be circulated by email and may be made available on this web site.

Session Times

Seniors typically play 7pm to 9.30 pm Sundays.

We operate a peg board system, the rules of which are on the board but the aim is that all members mix in and get competitive games during the evening.

Our aim is that the junior club is a ‘feeder’ to develop players for the senior club, although beginners from age 8 can join the junior section .

Juniors play 5.30 pm to 7 pm Sundays.


Seminars for club players are held regionally and nationally and details will be circulated to all club members. Forest BC also has a number of Badminton England qualified coaches who can be asked for advice and aim to help improvers particularly between 6.30pm and 8pm at club nights.

Playing Kit

Members should wear sports shoes with non marking soles,  ideally keeping a separate pair for indoor court use. The floors are cleaned prior to each session. Club match shirts,  Speak to the secretary if you are interested in T shirts and sweatshirts.

League Teams

We circulate all members before the start of each season asking for preferences for teams and partners. Decisions are then made by the Committee on the numbers of teams to enter into local Leagues.  Team selections are made by our Mixed, Men’s and Ladies’ Captains, and ratified by the committee.  We aim to give all members at least their first choice of teams where possible and accommodate subsequent joiners of suitable standard as reserves.  Home matches are played on Sunday, Monday or Wednesday evenings with a match fee of £5.00 payable home and away to cover costs.

Annual Fees

Charges cover the hire of the courts,  shuttles,  and affiliation fees to Sussex County Badminton Association,  local Leagues and Badminton England (including insurance cover). The full adult rate is currently £205 with discounted rates available for students, those over 60 and those in the same household. A visitor’s fee of £7 per time is payable for up to six club sessions a year.

Fees may be paid by bank transfer or a cheque payable to Forest Badminton Club, and a membership form should be completed to give contact details and BE affiliation through any other club.  We offer discounts for students, family membership and over 60’s. Arrangements for payment in stages can be made with the Treasurer but joining commits to a full year subscription.

Social Events

We aim to hold regular events —  over the last year these have included a skittles night, ten-pin bowling, cycle ride, fun games evening and quiz as well as the Christmas party.  Keep an eye on the club Noticeboard for upcoming events.


The Club is run by a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting held each year. New volunteers are always welcome.

ChairmanSobhey Nassar
Secretary/Junior Coordinator/CoachPete Bassett
TreasurerRaj Padhiar
Men’s CaptainGraeme Gardner
Ladies’  Captaincurrently vacant
Mixed CaptainSobhey Nassar
Match Secretary/CoachJulie James
Web AdministratorSimon Barnes
Club Welfare Officer Gary Nicholls
Committee Membervacant