Contact Details
Gill Fairham 01403 254150 Mobile 07866 417527
Karen Shearing 01323 891835 Sussex County Junior Badminton
Forest Junior Badminton Club
Forest Badminton Club encourages children between the ages of 8-17 in the Horsham area to enjoy playing badminton. Beginners are welcome as well as those who have played at school or with friends. We run club competitions and play in local junior leagues and provide details of all the junior tournaments in the local area. We aim to develop each child’s full potential with links to Badminton performance centres and county training as well as to our senior club.
Session Location
We normally meet in a six court sports hall at Tanbridge House School, but if this is not available we use the Tanbridge gym which is in the same block as the sports hall or, in summer, the Forest School Recreation Centre.
Details of Term dates, session plans and any changes in venues will be circulated by email or telephone and be available on the Junior section of the Forest Club web site,
Session Times
Juniors 5.30 pm to 7.00pm Sundays.
Seniors 7.00 pm to 9.45pm Sundays.
It is helpful if children can arrive promptly so they can participate in the warm-up session which reduces the risk of injuries. Please bring a drinks bottle; drinking water is available at the hall.
The last half hour of the session is usually for singles or doubles games. Our aim is that juniors will then progress to play in senior club firstly to 8pm and then become full members playing in senior leagues.
Training Kit
Children should wear trainers with non marking soles.
The floors are cleaned prior to our sessions so it is important that mud is not brought into the hall on footwear. Any clothing suitable for sport is fine, and we have a Club T shirt which will be given on payment of the first term’s fees.
We can lend rackets, including junior sizes, if necessary.
We welcome parents and carers to all training and competitions and value your support. Please make use of the balcony at Tanbridge accessed from the stairs at the far end of the entrance lobby which gives a good view of all the courts in the sports hall. No smoking is allowed anywhere on school premises. Cars must be parked in marked places.
If you are able to help at the club,or with transport to matches, please let us know via the membership form.
Membership Form
This should be completed and returned to the Junior Coach to give details of any medical conditions that may affect the player and give contact details in any emergency.
Premier Club
Forest Badminton Club, with its junior section, is a holder of Sport England’s Clubmark. This is awarded to clubs by Badminton England when the club is able to demonstrate that it meets Badminton England’s criteria as to the playing programme, child protection, sports equity and ethics and club management.
Clubmark is an acknowledgement that we take these issues seriously and that we are striving to provide a high quality and welcoming environment for young participants in the sport.
Charges cover the hire of the courts, equipment purchases, coach training and registration costs. While Forest coaches give their time voluntarily, we may occasionally pay for external coaches. Payment should be made in advance on the first session of each term – currently £40 for Autumn and Spring terms, £20 for the shorter summer term.
Cheques payable to Forest Junior Badminton Club. Discount for more than one family member.