Reporting to the club committee, the Child Welfare Officer’s role is to

  • ensure that Badminton England’s child protection policy and implementation procedures work in practice.
  • act as first point of contact for anyone (coaches, volunteers, parents or children) who has a concern about a child and about poor practice/possible abuse by adults working with children, and to pass these concerns on to the appropriate person or organisation.
  • assist Badminton England to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people at club level.
  • act as the first point of contact for coaches, volunteers, parents and children/young people in badminton where concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse are identified.
  • be the first point of contact with the Badminton England Lead Child Protection Officer.
  • implement Badminton England’s reporting and recording procedures.
  • maintain contact details for local Social Services, the Police and know how to obtain Area Child Protection committee guidelines.
  • promote Badminton England’s best practice guidance/code of ethics and conduct within the club.
  • sit on the Club Committee and attend club meetings.
  • promote and ensure adherence to Badminton England’s child protection training plan.
  • promote and ensure confidentiality is maintained.
  • promote anti-discriminatory practice.
  • attend the Sports Coach UK ‘Good Practice and Child Protection’ workshop or equivalent, approved by Badminton England.
  • facilitate the Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure process within the organisation.