- This shall be the Forest Badminton Club and will be affiliated to Badminton England.
- The object of the club is to promote badminton within Horsham by providing playing, competitive and coaching opportunities.
- All members will be subject to the club policies and by joining the club will be deemed to accept these policies and codes of conduct that the club has adopted.
- Each member shall pay a subscription decided at the Annual General Meeting or agreed by the Management Committee. The club has different classes of membership and subscription offered on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. Subscriptions, or the agreed instalment, must be paid for the current year before the member can compete for the club except where the management committee choose to waive this rule.
- Any member guilty of misconduct (i.e. behaviour contrary to the club policies) may be cautioned once or expelled from the club by a majority decision of the management committee.
- Any person expelled will have the right to appeal to the management committee meeting called at his/her request not later than two weeks from the date of expulsion.
- The committee shall have power to expel any member whose subscription is six months in arrears.
Safeguarding young people
- All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of children and young people will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the club’s child protection policy and procedures. The Club Welfare Officer is the lead contact for all members in the event of any child protection concerns.
- The management committee shall consist of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Men’s, Ladies’ and Mixed Captains (plus other elected officers) and up to three other members who will be elected at the annual general meeting.
- An honorary president may also be chosen at the AGM.
- The management committee shall meet at least three times per year .
- A quorum for the management committee shall be four.
- All decisions will be by majority vote; the chair shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
- The management committee has the power to co-opt extra members up a limit of three; to create trustees, and form a sub-committee as and when considered necessary.
- The accounts will be verified by an independent auditor. Any cheque drawn against club funds must have signatures of two of the designated officers (usually the Treasurer and Chair).
Annual General Meeting
- The AGM will be held during May and not less than 21 days’ Notice will be given by the Club secretary to all members. The following business will be undertaken:-
- The report from officers of the management committee will be read and discussed
- The audited accounts will be presented.
- The officers will be elected. All officers will retire each year but be eligible for re-appointment.
- Motions to be discussed must be submitted in writing to the club secretary at least one week before the meeting.
- Standing orders or rules may be changed by a majority decision.
- One quarter of all paid up members will constitute a quorum.
- All members will be eligible to vote.
- The chair shall have a casting vote.
Club Policies
The club adopts the following policies and Codes of Conduct:
- BADMINTON England Equality Policy.
- BADMINTON England Safeguarding & Protecting Young People policy.
- BADMINTON England Codes of conduct for players, coaches, volunteers, officials and parents.
- Set of rules for children and young people.
Dress Code
- Members are required to wear appropriate dress on court.
Amendments to the Constitution
- The management committee, by a majority at a quorum meeting, may propose amendment to the constitution.
- The changes may be made only at the AGM or an extra-ordinary general meeting (EGM) called for that purpose.
- Two weeks’ notice must be given for the EGM.
- A quorum for an EGM shall consist of one quarter of the membership.
- If the motion is passed by majority vote, the amendment to the constitution will be adopted.
- Alternatively, five ordinary paid up and voting members may petition the Club Secretary in writing, to call an EGM.
- Voting rights for an EGM are the same as an AGM.
- The management committee, by a majority vote at a quorum meeting, may decide to dissolve the club. They must then call an EGM giving two weeks’ notice to all club members.
- If the motion is passed by a majority vote the club is then dissolved. Voting rights as at the AGM pertain.
- Upon dissolution any funds remaining after all debts have been met will be donated to Badminton England to be used in furtherance of badminton in the West Sussex district.
- Forest Junior Badminton Club will be run as a subsidiary of Forest Badminton Club who will be responsible for the overall management.
- The object is to promote badminton to young players from a usual minimum of 8 years upwards and to encourage them to join an adult club.
- A structured programme of coaching will be followed following LTAD ( Long Term Athlete Development) guidelines.
- The day to day running will be by the lead coach, and the coaching team.
- A report on the Junior Club’s activities will be included in the agenda for the committee meetings and the AGM.
- Forest Badminton Club’s management committee, by a majority vote at a quorum meeting, may decide to dissolve the club.
- If the motion is passed by a majority vote the Junior Club is then dissolved.
- Before the Junior Club is finally resolved notice must be given to all of the Junior Club members to inform them of the decision.
- Notwithstanding the decision to dissolve the Junior Club, if the decision is made during a term the full term will be completed and otherwise a period of notice of 3 weeks will be given and any sessions planned within that time honoured with charge.
- A separate account will be kept for the Junior Club.
- Upon dissolution any funds remaining in the Junior Club’s accounts after all debts have been met will be donated to the parent club to be used in furtherance of badminton at the club.
Forest Badminton Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution.
Club ChairSigned Peter Welsby – Date 18 May 2014
Club Secretary
Signed Gill Fairham – Date 18 May 2014