As a player of the club you are expected to abide by the following code of practice:-
- All players must play within the laws of the game and respect all officials, opponents and their decisions.
- All players must show respect for other players in the club.
- Selection of players for games at club sessions will normally follow the guidelines summarised on the playing board.
- Forest Badminton Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of all its young players.
- All players are expected to take a fair share in the setting up of the equipment for club sessions and matches and subsequent clearing away and leaving the hall tidy.
- All players should be aware of health and safety for their own and other players’ sake and ensure as far as possible there are no hazards on or near the court (e.g. clearing up a water spillage promptly).
- Any health and safety issues on club premises should be advised to the Club Secretary, who will liase with the School Lettings Administrator as necessary.
- Any accident on the club premises should be recorded in the Accident Register kept in the Forest Club Box (there are also two First Aid boxes and a First Aid Manual in the box).
- If having been selected for a match, a player is required to withdraw, they must inform the relevant team captain, giving as much notice as possible. All players should wear appropriate badminton sports clothing for club sessions and matches.
- All players must pay any fees payable for membership and matches promptly or by the due date.
- Any financial difficulty in making the full payment when due should be discussed in confidence with the Club Treasurer, who has discretion to agree staged payment.
- Players are not permitted to smoke on the school premises.
- Car Parking must only be in the parking areas designated by the School.
- Any breach of this Code of Practice during a match will initially be dealt with by the Team Captain, who should liaise with the opponent Team Captain if appropriate.
- Alleged breaches of this code of practice should be raised with a Club Captain, the Chairman or other Committee member.
- Any serious breach of the Code of Practice will be considered by the Club Captains and Chairman.
- Disciplinary action, which may be a verbal or written warning as to future conduct or suspension from matches will be carried out by one of these committee members but any proposed expulsion from the Club will need the agreement of a majority of the committee.